
台師大翻譯研究所兼任助理教授蘇正隆在臉書上發文,指出今年國中教育會考英文試題,有以下一些問題。蘇正隆表示,歷年會考英語考題都有一些問題,今年也不例外。茲舉其中幾個題目:英語科閱讀(第9題)9. I don’t think Katie will read any one of the books you’ve picked out for her: ________ look(s) very boring.(A) it (B) one (C) some (D) they答案D 評註:"read any one of the books you've picked out for her" 不自然。習慣上會說"read any of the books",而不是 "read any one of the books"。蘇正隆表示,透過Google查一下,"read any one of the books you've" 只有3項結果 (全出自106年國中教育會考英語),而 "read any of the books you've" 約有798萬項結果(May 24, 17)。13. All the excuses Nick made________ a lot about how much he hates to do the job. (A) say (B) saying (C) which say (D) to say 答案A 評註:"Say a lot about how much he hates to do the job." 不太自然,一般會說"Say a lot about how much he hates doing the job."。蘇正隆指出,參考Google的統計:"about how much he hates to do"有4 項結果,"about how much he hates doing" 約有 1萬2900項結果。第二部分:(第16題)16. What is the book festival for?(A) Selling second-hand books.(B) Telling people how to choose books.(C) Inviting people to change books with each other.(D) Knowing what kinds of books are the most popular. 蘇正隆評註,"to change books with each other"應該是 "to exchange books with each other"。若參考Google統計,"to change books with each other" 4 項結果 (All from 106年國中教育會考英語),"to exchange books with each other" 約有 3910項結果 (Google May 27, 17)國中教育會考剛結束,有大學教授指英文題目問題很多。圖/本報資料照 分享 facebook


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